Management of Change Course

Management of Change Course

  • USD 99.00
  • Mon Dec 7 13:30:00 2020 to Mon Dec 7 15:30:00 2020


OSHA and EPA require companies to keep Management of Change (MOC) documentation. MOC is one of the most critical procedures for industrial plants, regardless of size, date of commission or the type of industry. Without MOC, workers and equipment are in constant danger of accidents, provoked by great or small changes in the plant that went unnoticed or unrecorded This session will focus on a summary of the basic steps in documenting changes in the field: establishing procedure, process analysis, and implementation plan all culminating with the field safety review which is will help realistically predict possible outcomes or consequences of the change.

The course will include:

  • A clear understanding of what MOC is
  • Knowledge on the main elements required for MOC
  • Awareness of accidents related to poor – or lack of – MOC systems
  • Relationship between MOC and risk
  • Design, implementation, operation, and monitoring of a MOC system
  • Examples of MOC procedures from different companies

For more information, please contact Josh Gillen at 1-416-361-7030 or by email at

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